Edible Food  sustainability Solutions

A food banking solution involving a for-profit organization focuses on addressing food waste and hunger while also generating revenue or profits. Such initiatives combine the principles of social responsibility, sustainability, and financial sustainability.

Food Recovery​

  • The for-profit organization collaborates with food suppliers, including farmers, manufacturers, distributors, and retailers, to recover surplus or unsellable but still safe-to-eat food items. This surplus food may include items with minor imperfections, close-to-expiration products, or overstocked inventory.

  Enhanced Food collection and Sorting Standards

  • Collected food is transported to a central facility where it is sorted and inspected. entered into a central database that communicates with Meal Connect, Link2Feed business intelligence software.
  • Shelf-Life Guides, Temperature Logs for both Freezers, Refrigerators, including Calibration.

Eradicating Hunger, One Delivery at a Time

Delivering Goodness, One Plate at a Time

Feeding Hope, One Meal at a Time

Edible Food Sustainability Solutions

  • Retail Partnerships: Driven by smarter data and insights that enhance your recovered food products from community allies.

Revenue Generation​

  • While the primary goal is to reduce food waste and provide affordable food options to consumers, a for-profit food banking solution seeks to generate revenue through the sale of recovered food items. Profits can be reinvested in the organization's operations and initiatives.

Real World Data & Insights

  • Engaging with local communities to raise awareness about food waste, food insecurity, and the advantages of implementing a robust food recovery model is crucial. However, navigating regulatory guidelines such as USDA Compliance Review (HRP-1027A), Volunteer Confidentiality (HRP-1016A), and other key standards can be complex. Our team specializes in supporting organizations through every phase of audit preparation, offering assistance with compliance methodology and ensuring adherence to regulatory requirements.


  • Collaborate with non-profit food banks, charitable organizations, and government agencies to extend the reach of food distribution and maximize the impact on food insecurity in the community.

  Link 2 Feed Data-tracking

  • Utilize data analytics to enhance food recovery initiatives, streamline inventory management processes, prioritize driver safety measures, track volunteer engagement effectively, fine-tune donor strategies, and optimize distribution logistics according to best practices.