Mitigating Food Waste in NCAA Collegiate

Athletic Programs

Collegiate athletic programs within the NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic 
Association) contribute to a concerning issue – food waste.  
This case study investigates the root causes of food waste in such programs, conducts a thorough analysis of the 
problem , and proposes actionable recommendations to address this challenge on a 
national scale.


NCAA collegiate athletic programs, with their extensive schedules and
diverse events, often generate substantial food waste. This issue is influenced by
factors ranging from event planning to team travel, with potential environmental,
economic, and ethical consequences. As of [insert current year], it is estimated that
[percentage] of food served in NCAA collegiate athletic programs across the country goes to waste.

Contributing Factors

1. Event Catering Practices: Large-scale events, such as game days and banquets, generate excess food that is frequently discarded.
2. Travel Logistics: Team travel often involves pre-packaged meals and snacks,
contributing to single-use plastics and food waste.
3. Variable Attendance: The unpredictability of attendance at events makes it
challenging to plan and allocate food accurately.
4. Limited Sustainable Practices: Lack of emphasis on sustainable practices in
catering contracts and overall program planning contributes to increased waste.


  1. Team Travel Challenges:

  • On-the-go nutrition for athletes often involves single-use packaging, contributing to both food and packaging waste.

  • Inconsistent practices across programs result in a lack of standardization in addressing waste-related challenges during team travel.

    2. Event-Specific Waste:

  • The sheer scale and variability of attendance at athletic events make it  difficult to anticipate and manage food quantities effectively.
  • Post-event waste audits indicate that a significant portion of the food served remains unconsumed.

3. Sustainability Awareness:

  • Collegiate athletic programs vary in their commitment to sustainable practices, with limited emphasis on minimizing food waste.

  • Lack of clear guidelines or incentives for catering vendors to adopt sustainable practices contributes to a disjointed approach.


1. Event Planning and Monitoring:

  • Implement pre-event waste assessments to more accurately predict food
    quantities needed.
  • Introduce dynamic seating plans and food distribution systems to adjust
    for varying attendance.

2.Team Travel Sustainability Guidelines:

  • Develop standardized sustainability guidelines for team travel,
    emphasizing reusable packaging, portion control, and local sourcing.
  • Collaborate with athletic conferences to create a unified approach to
    sustainable practices during team travel.

3.Sustainability Education and Incentives:

  • Establish mandatory sustainability training for athletic program staff,
    emphasizing the economic and environmental benefits of waste reduction.
  • Incorporate sustainability metrics into vendor contracts, offering incentives
    for adherence to waste reduction targets.
Impact and Future Outlook

Initial implementation of these recommendations is expected to yield a [percentage] reduction in food waste within the first year. Continuous monitoring and refinement of these strategies will be crucial for sustained success. The long-term vision is to create a standardized, sustainable model for NCAA collegiate athletic programs nationwide, minimizing their environmental impact and contributing to broader sustainability goals.


​Addressing food waste in NCAA collegiate athletic programs requires a
coordinated effort involving event planners, catering services, athletes, and
administrators. By implementing these recommendations, programs can minimize their ecological footprint, align with sustainability initiatives, and serve as role models for responsible consumption within the broader collegiate community.

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